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Making Products That Gen Z

Dive into what is keeping traditional FIs from building robust Gen Z-ready strategies. Hear from organizations like US Bank, PayPal, Synchrony, Standard Chartered, and more.

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Gen Z is here and bigger than ever, but FIs aren't ready to build for this generation.

Despite the value and opportunity Gen Z represents for the financial industry, many FIs have yet to build meaningful relationships with this generations. Our research combines insights and data from Working Group on Gen Z to find out what is keeping FIs from being Gen Z ready and multiple strategies that these firms could use to build inroads with Gen Z. 

In this research you will find: 

a) What is keeping FIs from acting: Data on how much technology, personal and professional confidence and internal prioritization impact building products for Gen Z. 

b) Eye on the future: Data on how important Gen Z will be for the future of financial institutions.

c) Competition: Data on who the biggest competitors are when it comes to the Gen Z consumer. 

d) Where to start: Insights into how FIs could start building for Gen Z without losing sight of their current customers.

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